Last rounds of AIBA Men's World Boxing Championship play out in Serbia

© AIBA Copyright euronews
Copyright euronews
By euronews
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Watch the last rounds of the finals at the Štark Arena in Belgrade live from 18:00 CET on November 6.


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The winners that rose from 26 enthralling fights at the semi-final stage of the AIBA Men's World Boxing Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, are set to compete for the title of champion.

They aren’t just getting in the ring for a shot at gold medals, belts and prestigious titles. There’s also huge prize money at stake: the winners receive $100,000 (€86,704), $50,000 (€43,352) for second place and for both bronze medalists, the award is $25,000 (€21,676).

AIBA President Mr. Umar Kremlev is leading the competitions himself.

"Fair chance, fair fight," is a key theme of the whole competition. AIBA ensures fairness with a revised process for choosing officials, including referees and judges, as well as recruiting independent experts to help in the process.

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